Maya Baklanova

Maya Baklanova


Maya Baklanova ist eine Journalistin und Fotografin aus Kyiv. Ihr besonderes Interesse gilt der Musikkultur. Sie ist Mitgründerin des Online Magazins Tight und Communication Manager der berüchtigen Cxema Parties.


Valerian Pidmohylny
Valerian Pidmohylny erschuf den modernen Roman in der Ukraine. Misto (Die Stadt) konzentriert sich erstmals auf urbane Probleme und berührt philosophische Fragen des Seins.

Pidmohylny is a representative of Executed Renaissance who was killed by Stalin's totalitarian regime at the age of 33. All Ukrainian authors before Pidmohylny focused on the Ukrainian village and problem of villagers, but he was first who wrote a novel about urbanistic issues. In this book he wrote about Kyiv and its inhabitants, urban life those times, movement, dynamics, landscapes. Of course, many things have changed, Kyiv is depicted from 100 of years ago, but some things are still the same. He described the the Ukrainian peasant youth which was moving to the capital to conquer it. I think it still the same today.

Maya Baklanova

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Melissa Unger

Melissa Unger

Mario Kappes

Mario Kappes

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