Flaka Haliti

Flaka Haliti


Flaka Haliti, 1982 in Pristina geboren, lebt und arbeitet in München.

Lunch Poems

Frank O'Hara|Englische Ausgabe
New York Gedichte wie tiefsinnige Tweets. Diese Zeilen altern nicht.

Travels always with me...I switch to it when I get tired and have no concentration for “my other academic books”. He describes his mood of writing as a phone call to a friend - defining as personalism... reading his poems time after time is like listening to a song or album again and again. My fav. on that book is the poem called 'Song'.

Flaka Haliti

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Gabriel Boric

Gabriel Boric

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Danijela Pilić

Danijela Pilić

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Syd Atlas


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